Preventive Medicine

Health map - Identifying risks and solutions
Identify risk groups and what actions to take to help improve the quality of life and reduce healthcare costs.

Through an advanced algorithm, the Risk Analysis provides an analysis on healthcare data in a given portfolio, developing a health map of an organization or a Health Provider.

With this study, it is possible to analyze the cost curve / use of 103 disease outcomes (eg .: stroke, IRC, Cardiac) and predict with a high degree of assertiveness, months in advance, people at risk of these outcomes. Through the telemonitoring service you can contact these people and refer them to closer monitoring of their health.

The Health Map lets you define which health management actions apply. Following the chronically ill and those at high risk of disease outcomes (cancer, IRC, stroke, depression, heart disease, etc.) can provide quality of life, reduced health care costs and reduced absenteeism for companies.

